Bruce House Walk-Run-Bike Ride Charity Event

Dear parents, 

The distinct relationship between Bruce House and St. Peter's Eastern Hill church has developed into a real special bond since its inception in 2018. During the seven years, students have raised funds to help buy a coffee cart and food amongst other needed items to help feed the homeless people of Melbourne. The funds raised by the Bruce House community has helped so much that when students visit on a Monday morning, the locals line up to personally thank them for everything they have done. When the students see this, they are touched and moved and really understand the significance of what they are doing. 

In 2024, Bruce House will again help by hosting a fund-raising activity where all students will either walk, run, bike ride or a combination of each around the Tan on Sunday 2 June between the hours of 6am and 4pm. Students will decide on a two-hour minimum shift to raise funds. Our local community is facing a huge problem of homelessness and the students in Bruce House want to be a part of providing a solution. While we are actively working to help prepare and feed people every Monday morning, this fund raiser will go a long way to help the vulnerable of this city. Bruce House students need your help to make our efforts go even further.

Your support is crucial to our efforts to help improve the local community around us. We would love it if you could make a donation to help Bruce House achieve our mission and attempt to try and solve this challenging problem. Your donation will go towards helping the people of St. Peter's Eastern Hill.

Oh, by the way, before I forget; Parents and friends are also invited to take part in the walk, run or bike ride. We want to include all members of the Bruce House community.

Thank you in advance for your contribution. 

Sincere thanks,
Anthony Taranto