OM 70 Year Reunion - Class of 1955

Date Thursday 13 March 2025
12.00pm - 3.00pm
LocationMorrow Room, The Lodge, Melbourne Grammar School
355 St Kilda Road, Melbourne Vic 3004 
Dress Smart Casual
Cost $110

We look forward to welcoming you and your partner back to School for your 70 Year Reunion.

Your reunion will include pre-lunch drinks and canapes, followed by a two-course lunch in the Morrow Room, The Lodge. Throughout the afternoon you will hear from Headmaster, Philip Grutzner (OM 1981), President of The Old Melburnians, Martin Scott KC (OM 1980) and School Archivist, Luisa Moscato.

We recognise that many Old Melburnians matriculated over two years. An invitation has been distributed to Old Melburnians from the peer years of 1954, 1955 and 1956. All are invited to attend if the 1955 peer year is one you feel connected to.

For guests travelling from outside Melbourne, please contact if you would like a recommendation for accommodation nearby at favourable rates.

Registrations close midnight, Wednesday 5 March.